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A member registered Jan 05, 2019

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Оk thanks for the answer! I understand

(2 edits)

Hi!   Why don't nested color tags work?    for example : <c=#ff00ffff>hello <c=#00ff00ff>wonderful </c> world</c>

 in standard TextMesh and UItext it works <color=#ff00ffff>hello <color=#00ff00ff>wonderful </color> world</color>

in our project there are large texts about 10000 chars where a large section is highlighted in color and it is necessary to highlight the numbers of subitems in a different color, now we are doing a simple replacement of numbers with numbers with color tags, but with STM it don't work

Is it possible to implement it?

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Thank you! I figured out what  positional Y value offset ,
 it is in line number 2853  SuperTextMesh.ApplyOffsetDataToTextInfo () 
 anchorOffset.y = VerticalLimit> -rawBottomRightTextBounds.y? (-rawBottomRightTextBounds.y   rawTopLeftBounds.y - rawBottomRightBounds.y) * 0.5f: 0f;
 This happens if only VerticalLimit> -rawBottomRightTextBounds.y respectively.
 For my while I just add this offset, you will probably find it easier to figure out where you  better  need to fix it.

Thanks, Kai, I'll try it !

(1 edit)

I have a lot of text puzzles tasks in the my project where MiddleCenter is used, so I can’t redo everything, maybe tell me how it can temporarily be fixed?

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Oh, I see that the correct position Y is obtained if only the anchor is set to Upper, if Middle or Lower then the wrong position is issued.

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Thank you, yes, sorry, position X is ok. About position Y, I tried to use transform.InverseTransformPoint, but the position has not changed. Simple invert the positional Y value I tried too

if invert the positional Y value

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How can i get correct local position of character?

my code for test:

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {   
          SuperTextMesh stm = GetComponent<SuperTextMesh>(); 
          string stringForSearch = "TEST!";
          stm.text = "Hello, World!! Hello, World!! Hello, " + stringForSearch + " World!! Hello, World!! Hello, World!!"
          int characterIndex1 = stm.hyphenedText.IndexOf(stringForSearch);
          int characterIndex2 = characterIndex1 + stringForSearch.Length -1;
          STMTextInfo ti1 =[characterIndex1];
          STMTextInfo ti2 =[characterIndex2];
          Debug.Log(ti1.character + " - " + ti2.character);
          Vector2 boxSize = new Vector3(ti2.BottomRightVert.x - ti1.BottomLeftVert.x, stm.size);
          Vector3 boxLocalPos = new Vector3(ti1.BottomLeftVert.y + boxSize.x / 2f, ti1.BottomLeftVert.y + boxSize.y/2f, 0);
          //create box for test pos
          GameObject testObj = new GameObject("TestPosition");
          testObj.AddComponent<BoxCollider>().size = boxSize;
          testObj.transform.localPosition = boxLocalPos;

Ok thank you!, but now MeshRenderer is .r not .mr

Hello! How in runtime is easier to change the color of the Shadow or Outline?

Thanks for the quick solution, it's cool!

Thank you! I look forward to, until I have to stay on TMP

Hello! is there any support for superscript in SuperText?

Thank much for the answer!  It's good that there is an opportunity to easily add additional  characters for autowrap.

(1 edit)

Hi!  Before buying, I want to know whether text wrapping is supported by the following characters:  Soft Hyphen (U+00AD) or Hair Space (U+200A) or Zero Width Space (U+200B)

Thank you!